About Gore Bay/Assiginack Child Care

Gore Bay Child Care Centre began its operations at 43 Hall St in Gore Bay in the summer of 2007. It was established by a group of concerned parents who saw that a childcare facility was a definite need in their community. In 2014 they saw the need in another Island community and opened Assiginack Child Care. Although regulated and licensed by the Ministry of Education, Gore Bay/Assiginack Child Care Centre is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors which set goals, policies and fee structure etc.

We are open from 7 am – 5 pm Monday to Friday.

Our History

Gore Bay Child Care Centre was originally licensed for 16 children ages 18 months to 4 years and operated in one room. Within a couple of months our licensed capacity grew to 30 to accommodate a before and after school program being ran in Charles C. McLean Public School’s library. After being in operation for 2 years we obtained a second room and increased our licensed capacity to 10 toddlers, 16 preschoolers and 16 school age program. After being open for 4 years we expanded once again. We are now licensed for 10 infants, 15 toddlers, 15 preschoolers and 30 school aged children.

In 2014 we expanded to the community of Manitowaning where we operated a before and after school program and a summer camp program.  In 2019 we expanded once again and are now licensed as a Family Grouping for 15 children and 30 school-aged children.


Good nutrition is vital to children’s learning and physical development. A wide variety of nutritionally balanced, high quality foods are prepared and served on the premises each day. Meals are served family style; each child is encouraged to serve him or herself, and to take a bite of each food that is offered.

The weekly menus have been reviewed by a Registered Dietitian and are planned with optimal nutrition in mind. Each menu is designed to provide a wide variety of foods that are different in colour, shape, size, and texture including those that are the children’s favorites. We offer a two-week rotation of menus to provide the children with a balance of variety and familiarity.

Learn more about our Menus


A photograph freezes a moment in time and allows the viewer to reflect on what they see. It can be the situation, the people in the photograph, the environment and in our case the learning that is happening. We use pictures to make the learning visible. We look back on older photos and trace the journey that our children have made. We photograph provocations that we introduce to the children, we document trips, children’s art work and the many adventures that we go on. The children take great pride in seeing their accomplishments. Please take a moment to enjoy our photo gallery.

Visit our Photo Gallery

Our Facility

We are licensed for 10 infants, 15 toddlers, 16 preschoolers and 30 school aged children at our Gore Bay Location.  At our Assiginack Location we are licensed for 15 in our Family Grouping and 30 in School Age Program. We offer before and after school care at both of our locations; Assiginack Child Care and Gore Bay Child Care.

Meet our Board of Directors

Our volunteer Board of Directors is primarily comprised of current and past parents/guardians and interested community members each bringing a variety of professional backgrounds and skill sets to the board.

Cassie Noble, Chair

Apryl Wright, Vice-Chair

Denise Flood, Secretary

Kara Noble, Treasurer

Anne Steele-Giffin

Sarah Earley

Looking for more information?

Our online resource page has the documentation and forms you require to get started.